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🇺🇸 Also check your voter registration, some states have been purging voting rolls. 🇺🇸

Advent of Code Input Getter
2020 December 03

I wrote a bash function to get my daily Advent of Code input. It assumes that you are in a directory ending in the pattern year/day, where year is the year you’re doing the problems. Here’s the code

function get_advent_input() {
    my_cookie="" # put your cookie here
    url_path_str=$(awk -F/ '{x=$(NF)+0;print $(NF-1) " " x}' <(echo $PWD))
    year=$(cut -f 1 -d" " <(echo $url_path_str))
    day=$(cut -f 2 -d" " <(echo $url_path_str))
    curYear=$(date +%Y)
    if [[ "$day" -ge "1" ]] && [[ "$day" -le "25" ]]
        if [[ "$year" -ge "2015" ]] && [[ "$year" -le "$curYear" ]]
            echo $urlPath >&2
            curl --cookie "$my_cookie" "$urlPath"
            echo "Your dirPath doesn't match a year. CWD must be end with year/day" >&2
        echo "Your dirPath doesn't match a year. CWD must be end with year/day" >&2

Steps to Use

  1. You’ll need to get your Advent of Code session id. You can extract this by using the network inspector while in chrome, and grabbing the value of the cookie header. It’s a rather long value.
    • Set my_cookie to this value.
  2. Put this function into your .bashrc.
  3. Source your updated .bashrc.
  4. Run it like ~/src/2020/3 $ get_advent_input > input.txt
  5. Remember to redirect your output to where you want to put your program input.
  6. You may want to modify the curl command to automatically output to a file, but I didn’t since I want to see the output, or use tee.

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Written by Henry J Schmale on 2020 December 03
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